Consumers' Attitude Towards Use and Adoption of Online Shopping in Bahawalpur, Pakistan
The purpose of this study is to understand consumer attitude towards online shopping in Pakistan and the subsequent increasing ratio of online shopping. The study describes the consumer attitude towards online shopping. Promotion and Culture Refund has significant positive relationship with consumer attitude and price has negative relationship with the attitude of consumer. Data was collected through a questionnaire. Around 250 questionnaires were pitched to those who used the internet extensively for online shopping. Said data was then analysed with the help of SPSS. The data was gathered mainly from Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The generalization of the model and findings to other developed areas required additional research. The findings suggest positive consumer attitude towards online shopping. Attitude is the most important factor among the four other variables. Online vendors should ensure to provide Refund options and increase the ratio of promotion as prices highly effect consumer attitude.
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