Intervening Role of Sustainability Practices in the Nexuses of Responsible Leadership and Environmental, Task, and Contextual Performance
Purpose: The current study assessed the function of responsible leadership in the banking industry using the stakeholder theory. The current study also looks into the connection between responsible leadership and task, contextual, and environmental performance.
Methodology: The banking industry's 389 branch employees, including branch managers, business development officers, general banking officers, branch operation managers, cash officers, and relationship managers, were surveyed using a survey questionnaire approach to gather data. Mplus was used to analyze the data using the structural equation modeling method.
Findings: The study's findings showed that ethical leadership had a direct influence on a firm's environmental (0.204), task (0.365), and contextual performance (0.188), as well as indirect effects through varied sustainability policies.
Implications: it implies the significance of sustainable policies concerning responsible leadership and a company's success. The current study is a pioneering effort that added to the body of knowledge on the relationship between organizational tasks, contextual performance, and environmental performance in Pakistan's banking industry. It also evaluated the role of sustainability strategies in the interim.
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