Consumer's Attitude towards Green Supply Chain Practices and its impact on their Intentions to Buy at Fast Food Restaurants in Bahawalpur, Pakistan
The purpose of this study is to find the impact of consumer perception on green supply chain practices in fast food places in South Punjab, Pakistan. Green supply chain practices focus on assimilating environmental thinking into the conventional supply chain, including areas like product design, material sourcing and selection, manufacturing processes, delivery of the final product as well as end-of-life management of the product after its useful life. To put it simply, green supply chain practices deal in creating an environmentally friendly supply chain that will result in an organization that not only sustains itself, but also the environment around it. This research work was conducted in South Punjab, Pakistan to see whether or not people perceived green supply chain practices important and whether that would affect their decision to dine at a certain place. To serve the purpose of the research, the data was acquired from the general population of South Punjab. The respondents included students from intermediate, people who held jobs, housewives etc. with a sample of 260 chosen randomly. The overall findings state that consumer perception is significantly affected by green supply chain practices in the fast food industry. The research is limited due to the time constraints, financial constraints and limited availability of the data. The results of this research study may not generalize to other province of the Pakistan as the study is conducted only in the context of South Punjab.
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