Effects of Patriotic Movies on Public Behavior in Pakistan: A Survey Study of Lahore City

  • Jam Sajjad Hussain Lecturer and PhD Scholar , School of Media and Communication Studies, University of Management and Technology & University of the Central Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan
  • Sadaf Ejaz M.Phil. Scholar, School of Media and Communication Studies, University of Management and Technology, Lahore
  • Ghulam Shabir Professor, Faculty of Media and Communication Studies,University of the Central Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan
Keywords: Lollywood, Patriotic Movies, Public Behavior, Cinema Industry, Film Viewers


Film offers different trends, ideas and traditions. Overall, a film has great impact on public minds and can change their behavior towards a specific issue. Film has the power to create and shape ideas, customs, and styles of viewers on a range of various subjects Accordingly, the contents presented in films including good audio-visual elements can instill better influence on different communities across the globe. Thus, film can form and reform opinion of its publics. The basic objective of the study underhand is to observe the dominant belief among educated audience towards patriotism as learnt from patriotic films. The quantitative methodology was employed for this study and survey was used as a research technique. The Provincial Capital City of Lahore was selected as population of study with four leading universities of the City as Sample. Around 400 respondents both male and female students were selected based on convenient sampling and descriptive statistical analysis was made through SPSS for inferences. It was hypothesized that the views of the audience determine their feelings after watching patriotic films i.e., they are filled with pride, happiness, emotions, motivation and sensitive. The study further aimed to explain the phenomenal change in the behavior of the audiences of patriotic movies. The study explored that the audiences liked various elements presented in movies including music, songs, actions, direction, characterization, dialogue delivery of patriotic orientation etc. The findings of the study further explored that patriotic Urdu movies in Pakistan have a constructive and everlasting influence on viewers e.g., the audience feel entertained and motivated after watching such genre of movies. Most of the respondents believed the patriotic movies which have strong script, dialogues and direction attract the audience the most. The researchers believe that the study underhand may work as a contributing agent and open new horizons for future researchers in this phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Jam Sajjad Hussain, Sadaf Ejaz, & Ghulam Shabir. (2019). Effects of Patriotic Movies on Public Behavior in Pakistan: A Survey Study of Lahore City. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 5(2), 335-350. https://doi.org/10.26710/jbsee.v5i2.927