Solar Energy in the Logistics Sector: Assessments on Turkey

  • Ayşegül Taşçıoğlu Lecturer, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey
  • Hilal Yıldırır Keser Assoc. Prof. Bursa Technical University, Turkey
Keywords: Solar Energy, Logistics, SES, Warehouse Systems


The fact that the current energy production resources have a tendency to be extinguished rapidly, the raw material prices have increased, their negative effects on the environment and human health, some difficulties in their use have increased the studies conducted on new and renewable energy sources in recent years. Among the renewable energy technologies, even though it is somewhat expensive, the easiest technology in terms of design and installation is the photovoltaic technology which is an application of solar energy. But its real superiority arises from the fact that it is a technology that does not pollute the environment, is environmentally friendly and has low maintenance costs. The use of solar energy has increased considerably with the increase in the use of renewable energy sources in the world and in our country in recent years and the roofs have had the largest share in this regard. Considering that more than 50% of the installed facilities in Germany and Italy, which are the starting point of solar energy in Europe, are on the roofs, the roofs have an important place in the increase of solar energy usage. Turkey is in fortunate situation compared to many countries in terms of the solar energy potential due to its geographical location. South Eastern Anatolia Region is the region that receives the most solar energy, this is followed by the Mediterranean Region. The logistics sector has recently been one of the sectors in which the solar energy is widely used in the world and in Turkey. In particular, significant reductions have been achieved in logistics costs with the solar energy systems installed on the roofs of the logistics warehouses, this event have increased the competitiveness of the companies. In addition, it is known that solar energy has been started to be used in the transportation activities and there are R & D studies for increasing road vehicles and cargo ships working with solar energy. In addition, efforts are being made to improve the solar-powered highways which strengthen the transport infrastructure and the logistics processes and these applications are becoming widespread. In study, the solar energy which is one of the mostly interested one among the renewable energy forms and the photovoltaic technology producing electrical energy using it will be discussed in this context, an then the current situation in Turkey and the World will be presented. Finally, the usage of the solar energy in the logistics sector and the applicaton examples in the world and in Turkey will be included.


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How to Cite
Taşçıoğlu, A., & Yıldırır Keser, H. (2019). Solar Energy in the Logistics Sector: Assessments on Turkey. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 5(2), 225-236.