Factors Influencing the Investor's Decision in Syrian Initial Public Offering Market: A Survey Study

  • Musaab Mousa Ph.D Scholar, school of business and management sciences, Szent István University, Hungary
  • Sagi Judit Lecturer, Department of finance, Budapest Business School, Hungary
  • Zeman Zoltan Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent István University, Hungary
Keywords: Initial Public Offering IPO, Timing, Owners' Reputation, Marketing Efforts Syria


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of company industry, IPO timing, owners’ reputation and marketing efforts in investor's decision in Syrian initial public offering market IPOs

Design/Methodology/Approach: A questionnaire survey was administered to 270 investors in Damascus Securities Exchange. Some descriptive statistics and One-Sample tests were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.

Findings: The research found that investor's decision is influenced significantly by IPO timing, owner’s reputation and marketing efforts in the Syrian IPOs market.

Implications/Originality/Value: This research presents that Syrian companies can use these factors as an approach to increase the quality of their IPO, on another hand, financial regulators can enhance the IPO control process, adding to the results that can contribute to understanding marketing-finance interface and behavioral finance literature.


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How to Cite
Mousa, M., Judit, S., & Zoltan, Z. (2019). Factors Influencing the Investor’s Decision in Syrian Initial Public Offering Market: A Survey Study. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 5(2), 287-294. https://doi.org/10.26710/jbsee.v5i2.814