The Role of Job Embeddedness in “New Generation of Rural Migrant Workers” Turnover Intention in China
The high voluntary turnover rates of “new generation of rural migrant workers” have been widely concerned in China. One important reason is their rural identity. The distinctive social identity has caused new generation of rural migrant workers face social identity discrimination, which further hinder the integration of values and goals between the individuals and the organizations. The values and goals gap between individuals and organizations further impact on new generation of rural migrant workers’ organizational identification, which reduce their organization embeddedness and increase turnover intention. Thus, this study seeks to explore the linkage between organization identification and turnover intention, which is mediated by organizational embeddedness. Additionally, this study also proposes the moderating effect of community embeddedness on the correlation between organization embeddedness and turnover intention. A quantitative with a survey method is proposed for this study. Data will be collected in manufacturing setting in Guizhou province of China. Multi-level sampling technique will be applied to determine the sample size.
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