Framing of Kashmir Conflict in Elite Pakistani and Indian Newspapers after Revocation of Special Status of the Disputed Territory
Purpose: India, using its legislative powers, divided Jammu and Kashmir J&K into two separate territories under federal control by revoking Article 370 that had given a special status to the disputed territory. This move stirred isolation and suppression in the people of the valley. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the peace and war framing of the Kashmir conflict after the revocation of the special status of the disputed territory in the Indian and Pakistani media. The study also attempts to explore the strategic relevance of Kashmir for neighboring China.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Framing, Peace and War Journalism theories were used in this study. Quantitative content analysis method was used to analyze the peace and war framing of the J&K conflict in Dawn and Times of India.
Findings: Content analysis findings supported assumption that war coverage was the most highly recorded coverage pattern in both Indian and Pakistani newspapers. Dawn took a lead in peace journalism framing with 25.56% of its editorials and columns dominated with peace journalism frames whereas 11.88% editorials and columns in Times of India were dominated with peace journalism frames.
Implications/Originality/Value: The study finds that Kashmir dispute was framed in War Journalism viewpoint in media of both the neighboring countries. This research also shows that Beijing sticks to its strategic guns by giving peaceful verbal gestures for the region’s stability.
Article Analytics Summary
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ayesha Siddiqua, Atif Ashraf, Ghulam Shabbir, Qamaruddin Zia Ghaznavi

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