Impact of Communication Climate on Conflict Management Styles among Employees
Purpose: The quality of the relationship between people manifested by spoken and wordless messages refers to the communication climate. The approach of people about how to feel about each other generates the communication climate. When people perceive they are desirable so it builds the productive communication climate. A negative climate makes it difficult for people, because it is hard to communicate. The purpose of present study is to find out impact of communication climate on conflict management styles among employees.
Method: The sample was consisted on N=295employees calculate by using G-power method. Employees were taken from different organizations of Multan .Communication Climate Inventory and Rahim Organizational conflict inventory were used to collect the data.
Findings: The result shows that integrating and obliging styles of handling conflict are significantly correlated with supportive communication climate. The result also shows that dominating and avoiding styles are significantly correlated with Defensive communication climate.
Implication: There is a significant impact of communication climate on conflict management styles among employees.
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