Mediating Role of Customer Trust in Predicting Customer Commitment Through Automated Service Quality in Commercial Banking

  • Shahar Yar Virtual University of Pakistan
  • Jawad Hassan Virtual University of Pakistan
  • Fatima Mazhar The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  • Aisha Javeria The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Keywords: Automated Service Quality, Customer Commitment, Customer Trust, Mediation


The automated service quality is a critical decider to scale customer commitment in commercial banking industry. Customer trust mediates the direct relationship among automated service quality and customer commitment. Customer trust in banking can be a competitive advantage for a service firm to compete in the market. Customer trust creates customer commitment and helps a bank to have new customers and sustain the existing ones. Current study explains the mediating role of customer trust while describing the relationship among automated service quality and customer commitment. Survey technique is used to collect data using an adopted questionnaire. Data analysis is done using Preacher and Hayes mediation method to prove the deducted hypothesis. The results demonstrate that features of online banking services create customer trust. Customer commitment of banking customers is mediated by the elements of customer trust, built on automated service quality features. These results have managerial and research implications for operations and strategy formulation in the banking industry. Results are valuable to smooth the provision of online services in the banks and financial institutions where information technologies are being used.


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How to Cite
Shahar Yar, Jawad Hassan, Fatima Mazhar, & Aisha Javeria. (2019). Mediating Role of Customer Trust in Predicting Customer Commitment Through Automated Service Quality in Commercial Banking. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 5(2), 275-294.