The Adoption of Management Accounting Practices (Maps) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) of Pakistan
The practices of Management Accounting have not been highly adopted in developing countries. But with increased importance of these practices, firms of developing countries are motivated to adopt MAPs. In this research, MAPs align with increased importance of SMEs have been studied and provide understanding to enhance adoption of MAPs in SMEs. This study outlines the usage of MAPs in Pakistani SMEs; identify the contextual factors that affect the adoption of MAPs by SMEs and lastly explore perceived benefits and problems in adoption of these practices. A mixed methodology was used to collect data. A questionnaire with five categories of MAPs was used to examine the extent of use of MAPs by 100 SMEs of Multan from textile sector. Eight interviews were conducted to identify the factors, benefits and problems. However, the results shows that majority of respondent firms adopt traditional MAPs and other medium sized firms do more focus on contemporary MAPs. The findings of current study can be helpful and informative for practitioners and policy makers in the development of contemporary MAPs as well as provide deep insight for SMEs to enhance their business by adopting these practices.
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