A Conceptual Framework of the Organizational Antecedents to Knowledge Sharing- With Empirical Evidence and Managerial Implications
Purpose: Knowledge sharing has gained the attention and focus of academicians, researchers and scholars from all around the world for almost two decades; since its role and contribution toward organizational success is globally recognized. However, despite its growing significance and recognition, business managers and practitioners fail to earn the benefits of the same due to not being properly aware of the organizational factors that can contribute toward the creation and implementation of efficient knowledge management systems and sharing of knowledge within organizations.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research is based on the PhD research dissertation of the author and it was conducted through qualitative content analysis of research articles on the subject matter.
Findings: In this paper, in the light of the existing literature and available empirical evidence, a conceptual framework of the organizational antecedents (determinants) of knowledge sharing is presented. Based on the findings of this research, organizational culture, organizational absorptive capacity, technology, interpersonal trust and relationships, team orientation, organizational support, decentralized organizational structure, employee empowerment and transformational leadership are the most important organizational antecedents to knowledge sharing.
Implications/Originality/Value: This paper presents some valuable implications and recommendations for the managers and practitioners concerning the implementation of efficient and effective knowledge management systems and the facilitation of knowledge sharing within organizations.
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