Employee’s Performance as a Consequence of Effective Communication and Working Environment: The Moderating Role of Organizational Learning Culture

  • Muhammad Adnan National College of Business Administration and Economics (NCBA&E) Lahore, Multan Sub-campus, Pakistan
Keywords: Effective communication, Work Environment, Employee’s Performance, Organizational Learning Culture, , FMCG sector


Purpose: FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) sector has a significant role in the economic development of Pakistan. According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the retail sector contributes 18.6% to the GDP of Pakistan. This sector can use effective communication with a learning work environment as a tool to increase their productivity and at the same time can build customer relations. This is because communication is an essential element used to deal with customers and employees. Whereas, at the same time comfortable work environment is helpful to boost the performance of this sector. The present study aims to examine the influence of effective communication and working environment on employee’s performance with the moderating role of organizational learning culture in FMCG sector of South Punjab Region.

Design/Methodology/Approach: For the said purpose structured questionnaires were developed by using online google forms for collecting data. The sample population was selected from the FMCG sector of Pakistan. Then the collected data was analyzed by using regression analysis and Pearson Correlation via SPSS whilst Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via Smart PLS.

Findings: The results indicates that effective communication and work environment has a significant influence on employee’s performance and organizational learning culture plays a moderating role between effective communication and work environment.

Implications/Value: This research has used FMCG sector specifically to examine the impact of effective communication hence, further research can be done by using other sectors i.e., Education, Agriculture, IT etc.  In addition to that this study is based on the impact of effective communication and working environment on the employee’s performance through the moderating role of organizational culture further research can be made on the ways or methods improve working conditions of this sector.


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How to Cite
Adnan, M. (2021). Employee’s Performance as a Consequence of Effective Communication and Working Environment: The Moderating Role of Organizational Learning Culture. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 7(3), 573-586. https://doi.org/10.26710/jafee.v7i3.1848