Human Capital and Endogenous Growth: Incorporating the Role of Unemployment in Determining Returns

  • Hina Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, The Women University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Saadia Irshad Assistant Professor, Institute of Management Sciences, The Women University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Maria Shams Khakwani Lecturer, Institute of Management Sciences, The Women University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Tayyaba Naveed Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Sahiwal, Sahiwal, Pakistan
Keywords: Gross Domestic Product, Unemployment, Age, Education, Mortality rate.


This study reported the returns to Human Capital in Pakistan. The main purpose of this study is to estimate the returns to human capital. In Pakistan, the level of output is dependent on manpower. Human Capital is a significant contributor in the way to betterment in the economic condition. In this study, time series data is used, and co-integration is applied for the empirical estimation. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), education, mortality, enrolment, unemployment, and age are the core variables of the research. Education has a positive impact on productivity. An increase in education level raises the female labor force participation in Pakistan. The presence of children decreases the early age participation in the labor market. The result shows that when the education level is increased, it boosts the economic activity, and the female labor force participation is the main reason that is increasing its likelihood. It is recommended that government should provide better facilities of education to enhance the female force participation in the labor market in the case of developing countries, by providing the best grades and tasks to the human beings both male and female, thus the level of returns by human capital utilization may increase.


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How to Cite
Hina Ali, Saadia Irshad, Maria Shams Khakwani, & Tayyaba Naveed. (2021). Human Capital and Endogenous Growth: Incorporating the Role of Unemployment in Determining Returns. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 7(1), 251-262.