Application of Cognitive Motivational Relational Theory to Examine the Influence of E-Banking Quality Factors on Customer Loyalty
Banks equipped themselves with modern tools to provide innovative and dynamic services to clients. Traditional banking transformed into digital online banking to facilitate customers all over the world through the internet. High-quality online banking services are necessary to retain clients. Customers using online banking services of the top five commercial Pakistani private banks were the study population. A structural equation modeling technique was employed to analyze the hypothesis. The results found the significant impact of reliability, website design, and security on customer trust leading to higher loyalty based on cognitive, motivational relational theory. The research findings provide numerous theoretical and practical implications for banks' administration to make internet banking website design more user-friendly and reliable with enhanced security features that win the customers' trust and strengthen loyalty.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Atif Ali Gill, Riaz Hussain Ansari, Kashif Akram, Muhammad Waseem Tufail

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